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ISAC | Institut Supérieur des Arts et des Chorégraphies is the artistic training platform founded in 2012, part of the Espace Urbain EUR department of the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts, Ecole supérieure des Arts - in Brussels.


ISAC is dedicated to choreography, performance making and dance at the junction between choreographic arts and visual arts. With the aim to offer a research frame to young artists, it explores body and dance practices as a primary medium for expression and a tool for artistic research and theory. The pedagogical approach enables students to investigate the term ‘choreography’ in a multiple and ever-expanding sense. Rather than as a set of predetermined protocols, it focuses on choreography as an experiment in mobilizing/making innovative understandings. It carves a space where the body becomes a territory for reflection, and art, an experience for contributing in re-thinking and shaping the present.

In osmosis with the contemporary art scene

EUR - ISAC offers a window on the professional world through artistic encounters and collaborations with other institutions by initiating research formats, artistic residencies and public performances of work. These times of sharing are considered essential to artistic development and provide stimulating inspiration. Over the past years, students have met a large numbers of artists from the local and international dance and choreography scene. 

Since its foundation in 2012, it has been strengthening partnerships with Brussels and international artistic structures including Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Rile*, La Raffinerie Charleroi-Danses, La Bellone, La Balsamine, Centrale for Contemporary Arts, La Tour à Plomb, Les Brigittines and Centrale Fies (Italy). It weaves multi-territorial exchanges with educational structures such as ENSAD (Paris), ESAD Valence-Grenoble, IUAV (Venice), SNDO (Amsterdam).

The group affirmed as a synergy of singularities

The study program offers a specific contribution which aims to bring out and support the singularity of each student's research within a group dynamic, as a driving force for work and creation. The students come from diverse artistic backgrounds and geographies and a transmission of the experiences and skills of each within the group is strongly encouraged. Thus, both personal and collaborative projects are created and are the occasion for public performances, notably during the ISAC festival at the end of the year. This fluid form aims to promote horizontal learning and encourages each student to develop their artistic research independently, deploying their curiosity and sense of initiative. It gives the possibility to be crossed in the respect of individualities and encourages the spontaneous emergence of the unexpected in the paths of each one.


Enzo Pezzella                                                    Krystel Khoury                       Andrea Zavala Folache

Founder & Artistic responsible                        Head Professor                    Assistant Professor

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